
How Does The Common Core Affect The Classroom Environment

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Common Core. It is known by many things: the beginning of an educational revolution, the last chance to shock American Education back to life, sneaky and deceptive, and solution to the education system. So what is it actually? Common Core is impacting the classroom environment by making standards equal for students across America, changing what some of the school districts are teaching, and making sure that all students are prepared for their futures. The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) were put into place to assure that students would be college/career ready straight out of high school. This means that the school system would need a more rigorous curriculum in order to challenge the students. Timothy Shanahan states, “[T]here are no credible studies showing benefits from teaching with instructional level …show more content…

This is because no district is exactly the same, just like students, every single one requires something differing from the others. It is understandable that the government could see this plan working without problems because it sounds great, however when put into perspective, it is much easier said than done. Of course any government official or lawmaker would love to just say and believe that they can make every student equal. Nevertheless, there are many things that are not considered while making that claim. Thinking about the different types of districts around the country is very important while implementing these because the income levels can vary drastically. “When the Common Core first caught public attention in early 2010, it seemed like an unstoppable locomotive… As I write in the summer of 2014, the prospect is a bit different. That locomotive is nowhere to be seen and may be lying on its side in a dry gulch”(Wood 29). Common Core started off strong however, after uncovering all of the problems that lie within it, it has become more of a problem than a

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