How Does The Function Of Myth Connect To The Iroquois Constitution

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Sets of laws like the Iroquois Constitution have been vital to the formation of good, strong societies for generations. We can get a better understanding of set laws and rules like the Iroquois Constitution by using the functions of myth, it can also help us connect the principles to the laws set by our parents and help us in the future when we become parents. First, we need an example of a myth. For example, an origin myth for my family is called Immigrating to America. It starts in 2004, the Clarke family of five immigrated from the country of Brunei to the city of Los Angeles in the United States. The two parents, Amanda and Howard, lived in Brunei when they first met, had children and got married. Howard had moved to Brunei to work as a …show more content…

The first function of myth is the mystical function of myth, this function is all about the big picture or seeing the whole universe not just a small part of it. This relates to the Iroquois Constitution because the constitution refers to a Great Creator which they realize is responsible for things like the rain, the wind, the snow, the corn, etc. The second function of myth or the Cosmological function of myth is about knowing what happens around us, yet having no control over how or when it happens. This second function relates to the first one because the first one is more the revelation about things happening and the second function is the explanation of it. The way the second function relates to the Iroquois Constitution is again through the acknowledgement of a Great Creator except now it’s talking about how and why the Great Creator is doing certain things. The third function of myth is referred to as the sociological function and it’s about local culture and laws changing depending on who’s in charge. This function ties with the Iroquois Constitution because when they elect a new chief to discuss matters at the nation’s meetings they change the way things are run compared to how things worked when someone else had his position. Finally, the fourth function of myth is called the psychological function of myth or the pedagogical function because it’s the teaching function. Its relation to the Iroquois Constitution is that the constitution itself is a way for young members of the five tribes that made up the Iroquois Confederacy to learn how to act, behave and