How Does This Second Chapter Of Spectacular Things Happen Along The Way

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In the first chapter of Brian Shultz’s Spectacular Things Happen along the Way, Shultz creates a curriculum where the students get to choose how and what they should learn. Shultz made the students figure out an issue in their community that they would like to improve, and the students decided that they want a new school facility. He lets the students decide how they should go about getting this new school facility and as a result he gives the students the opportunity to examine their cultural backgrounds and how they have experienced being born into that culture. Shultz helped create Project Citizen, an initiative to have students get a new school facility. Project citizen makes the students look at the individual problems with their school …show more content…

In this example, the Theater teacher Mr. McNally combats the use of derogatory words for homosexual. In a class period, Mr. McNally tells his students that it is never okay to use the word gay as a substitute, explaining that, “It’s not Like I go around saying, ‘Oh, that’s so Italian’ or ‘oh that’s so Mexican’ or ‘Oh, that’s so people-who-wear blue shirts!” Saying that there will be no toleration to derogatory speech towards people. As teachers, we must set an environment of no tolerance for ignorance. From the very start of teaching, we need to set up an environment which accepts all diversity and allows people to openly express themselves. Though Mr. McNally also teaches us something we must not do when addressing differences. In a hypocritical event, Mr. McNally encouraged our enforcement of heterosexual masculinity when he pretended to hit on a student who was dressed in a way that wasn’t considered heterosexually masculine. When the joke was put into question, he jokingly defended himself stating that “it was on everyone else’s mind.” This shows us that as teacher, in order to teach our students to be tolerant, we must hold ourselves as teachers to a higher standard. We need to make sure that we do not promote intolerance even if it is in a small offhand. The fact that McNally made such a point to be disrespectful to people who are gay, and then contradicting himself by making a gay joke and defending his joke; shows that we have to do more than spout these messages of equality. Rather we must try to embody these values of tolerance to the best of our abilities as teachers. When we hold ourselves to these standards, we make students strive to reach these standards as