How Does Tom Robinson Show Innocence In To Kill A Mockingbird

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In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee the term mockingbird symbolizes innocence in a person. In the novel it focuses on the fact that innocence, represented by the mockingbird, can be wrongfully harmed. There are two characters: Tom Robinson and Arthur “Boo” Radley that are supposed to represent the mockingbird. In the novel, Tom Robinson is the best example of a mockingbird because he is prosecuted for a crime he did not commit. Also, he was judged unfairly based on the color of his skin in his trial. Although some may believe Boo is a better choice for a mockingbird, there is a greater amount of evidence that supports Tom is a mockingbird. The first reason Tom is the best example for the mockingbird is he was prosecuted for a crime he did not commit. In the novel it states that, "The state has not produced one iota of medical evidence to the effect that the crime Tom Robinson is charged with ever took place. It has relied instead upon the testimony of two witnesses who evidence has not only been called into serious question on cross-examination, but has been flatly contradicted by the defendant. The defendant is not guilty, but somebody in this courtroom is" (Harper 203). This …show more content…

In the novel it says, “A man was passing under it. The man was walking with the staccato steps of someone carrying a load too heavy for him. He was going around the corner. He was carrying Jem (352).” The person Scout was talking about was Boo Radley, she had never seen him before, but had heard bad rumors about Boo. Yet he saved Jem and Scout from Bob Ewell. Now some could argue that Boo is an example for a mockingbird because he saved Jem and could have gone to trial for Bob’s murder even though he was protecting Jem. There would have been bad rumors with Boo, but Tom is the best example of a Mockingbird symbol based on evidence in the