
How Does Transportation Affect Immigration

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Transportation’s effect on Immigration How much does transportation really affect immigration? Transportation has a crucial effect on immigrants, especially those travelling over sea. Without having the privilege of transportation, immigrants would have no possible way to get to their desired location. However, having the appropriate transportation is truly hard for some immigrants to come across. From the year 1850 to present day, the number of immigrants in the United States has increased by about 41 million people, totaling an increase of about 17%. Along with other reasons, transportation plays a huge roll in the change in immigrant traffic over the past two centuries. As more transportation opportunities have evolved, more immigrants have gotten the opportunity to make their way to the United States. The Transportation Revolution in the early 1800s played a role …show more content…

Traveling conditions for immigrants are dire. With very limited food and water immigrants do their very best to make their journey as safe and quick as possible. Some may fail, and some may succeed. Some immigrants are left with no other choice than to ride a battered, rugged raft overseas. Some immigrants leave in search of a new home with nothing but the clothes on their backs due to lack of space. Wealth has a lot of say in transportation for immigrants. Immigrants who are wealthy can often go to the extent of purchasing an airline ticket and traveling first class. On the contrary, migrants who have very little to no money do what they can to survive throughout their journey. This includes traveling in the back of a tractor trailer crammed in by the hundreds. Unfortunately it seems most immigrants have fewer funds to travel because they are immigrating from less fortunate countries and circumstances. Safer travel methods are more readily available to the wealthier

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