How Does Vonnegut's Choice Of Language And Sentence Structure Affect The Reader

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The prompt I decided to go with is “How does Vonnegut’s choice of language and sentence structure affect the reader?” The reason why I choose this prompt is that I have never seen a book tell a story from a perspective of a time traveler who can't control where they go or a story of the trauma and war that Vonnegut has been through with so much depth and story-telling in its quotes and writing. I find it amazing that throughout the story you as the reader may wonder if Billy is insane or sane and if he's just seeing stuff such as the Tralfamadore due to his schizophrenia and PTSD or if it happens. The way Kurt explains the world around him and what he’s going through while experiencing his trauma and PTSD again and what he does in those moments …show more content…

When Vonnegut says things like “so it goes” or “mustard gas and roses” or "Poo-tee-weet?”. Each of these quotes either has a very deep meaning and can be broken down to get its true meaning or they get mentioned a few times in the story to give deeper meaning and to call back and make connections into your memory every time you may hear the quote. Such as so it goes used when anyone has died in the story and mustard gas refers to the breath of someone who is drinking too much and is used later in the story to describe when Billy was in the war, and Dresden had just been bombed. But most are used to describe the caller online who calls Billy and poo-tee-weet referring to a jabbering bird meaning the lack of anything intelligent to say about war since no words can describe the horror of the Dresden …show more content…

The human aspects that come with traveling through space and time without a choice weigh down on Billy as you see in the story when he has a mental breakdown and gets flashed back to Dresden. Vonnegut’s writing changes from bluntness to foreshadowing to perspective to dramatic irony and dark humor writing and also adds true details he went through in war into the story. The way Kurt may change his tone so that you can feel the impact more he mainly uses quotes and saying to explain deep meaning such as Everything was beautiful and Nothing hurt. When coming to terms with death. In Vonnegut’s writing, we can see how he puts in rather goofy word or words that can make you crack a smile when the topic at hand is war and death but he's able to trick you into forgetting for a second and stop you from feeling sad and forget that this is a war and that their life is on the line and that there's a lot of trauma at hand. He also shows you a different perspective from Billy and gives you more knowledge as the reader letting you have more information than Billy and seeing what will happen to Billy. It's important to see these