How Educational Research Has Changed Over The Years

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Research has become useful in all areas of daily living; especially with the development of technology that is available and affordable. Education has changed over the years as well. The development of technology has given the world information at their fingertips. Education practices and materials grow each year with the need of research and to help educators sift through to find the best strategies for their students. Education is changing and with that change there is an increase in supply and demand for research. Educational research is separated into empirical or no empirical studies. ( SOURCE ) When researching no empirical studies, you are examining the history of a practice or individual; explore what a thinker or a number of thinkers …show more content…

Curriculum adoptions in most schools are usually every seven to ten years depending on the school district. With curriculum adoption, companies present their wares to the adoption team in hopes that they get the sale. Research became more in demand when No Child Left Behind Act that was adopted by the federal government to ensure that all student will receive the highest standard of education. (SOURCE) With the government holding schools accountable for the education of the students, school corporations and curriculum publishers must have research to show case the benefits to adopting a program. To ensure accountability of schools to the education of their student be of high standard, that the government has attached the school funding to the Annual Yearly Progress (AYP). Schools must show in a three or more year period that the students are making progress in their educational goal. When students in a school district do not show Annual Yearly Progress, the school must present their state with interventions with valid research to raise the student’s achievement. School district must show their state department of education how they are implementing teaching strategies that focus on state standards. Also district need to show their professional development, teacher certification to demonstrate how their students will show Annual Yearly Progress. Low income, Title I schools are able to request educational grants to help with student achievement. There must be research that accompanies the request for grants.. With a large number of curriculum publisher available to schools, this has place a greater demand for valid research that is easy to read and understand. The publisher’s research should include how to implement the program into everyday classrooms. Teachers have more documentation they must complete compare to teachers of the past.

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