How Emergency Management Frameworks Are Similar And Identify Two Ways They Differ?

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Unit 3 Discussion: Comparing Emergency Management Frameworks • Cover the major components of each framework In the United States Emergency Management Framework, they aim to achieve a shared understanding and a common integrated perspective across all mission areas such as prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery to make the most of the nation’s limited resources. They provide a structure to facilitate problem solving, improve access to resources and foster coordination among state and federal agencies, non-governmental partners and stakeholders. This framework enables effective recovery support to disaster impacted states, tribes, territorial, and local jurisdictions. It also enables disaster recovery managers to operate in a unified and collaborative manner. With the United Kingdom Emergency Management Framework, the emergency response and recovery is designed to complement emergency preparedness. Their aim is for understanding multiagency framework for emergency response and recovery at the local level, and also make individuals known for their roles and responsibilities within an organization. Common frame of reference, especially concepts of …show more content…

Both frameworks have plans to strengthen the collaboration between multiple organizations or levels such as local or state. They both also have guidelines when it comes to prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery. They differ by the United Kingdom’s framework has response plans for those who understand a different language, this can prevent misunderstanding or communication issues. With the United States framework they have more of a common integrated perspective, whereas the United Kingdom has a multi-agency framework for individual roles and responsibilities. • Highlight any parts of the UK system you believe would benefit the U.S., and how. (If you can’t find any parts that benefit explain why you feel that

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