How Has Hip Hop Influenced Modern Culture

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Course Description
Almost everyone listens to music, and there are a vast amount of genres people enjoy. One genre, hip hop, is one of the most popular genres in the world. Fans of hip hop should learn about not only how this genre has become what it has but also the pioneers that shaped it. This course will answer the question “To what extent has hip hop and its creators influenced modern culture and music?” It will guide the reader through the journey of hip hop, starting from its origins and working through the years, unveiling how music and society as a whole was influenced by hip hop.
Hip hop helps to bring awareness to many significant cultural and political issues, allowing people to express their views and beliefs. The genre has heavily influenced modern music styles, entertainment, media, and more.
Since its creation in the 70s, hip hop has been a prominent genre and has influenced many. DJ Kool Herc is often referred to as the father of hip hop. He was …show more content…

The purpose of the show is to visualize the emotions, experiences and expressions of Black and Brown communities through hip hop. The intended audience could be people interested in learning about social injustice in America and how minorities used hip hop to express their discontent with the injustices or fans of hip hop music. Almost half a century ago, hip hop was born from an underground movement in the Bronx, and soon grew to become the most popular music genre in the United States. Throughout the history of the United States, black and brown Americans have been mistreated, misjudged, and ostracized, and through hip hop these groups are able to voice their discontent and struggle. This might help students respond to the essential question as it gives a first hand look into the creation and evolution of hip hop and it discusses how minority groups use hip hop to gain a voice and express their