How Has Women's Rights Changed Today

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How Has Women’s Rights Changed Today Since The Women’s Right Movement?

What I Know, Assume, or Imagine
I know in the past that women didn’t have many rights. For example, they weren’t allowed to vote, own property, have an education, and many other things. It was the same around the world, so women took a stand for equality. This caused the Woman's Right Movement and Suffrage Movement. Without those brave women fighting for women's rights, they would still be discriminated because of their gender. Finally, I assume that all women today had the same equality as men.

Purpose for Research In the book, The Giver, by Lois Lowry, Jonas lives in a society where there is Sameness. I disliked that the citizens couldn’t express their individuality, but I liked that there was gender equality which means that the women and men were treated equally. That is how I got introduced to the topic. Through research, I was really inspired by the women who took a stand. They empowered me to stand up for what I believe in even against all odds. This topic is really interesting to me, and I want to learn more.

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They were discriminated by their gender because men believed that they were more superior than women. Many people believed that a woman’s place was at home. Women were assigned the household chores like cooking, cleaning, and raising their children, while a man’s job was to make decisions for his family and country (“Rights for Women”). Because of this, women were denied the same equality as men. For example, they couldn’t receive an education, hold a job in government, vote, have a professional career, and many more (“Rights for Women”). Also, after marriage, women couldn’t own property, keep money, sign contracts, or leave their husbands (“Rights for