How Has World War 1 Helped The Us Economy

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World War One helped make the United States the world power it is today by the Boom in Americas Economy, The Growth of the United States Military, and all of the new strategies and new technology. To start off, let’s talk about The Boom in Americas Economy. The United States traded with the Allies before the United States joined the war and during the war which gave the U.S. more jobs,money, and more joy. When the United States started to trade with the Allies, it also built support for them/ Allies. The information comes from the “Effects of World War 1” sheet that was given in class. Next is The Growth of the United States Military. The United States passed a Selection Service Act which was a draft to get people in the military. People could also volunteer for the …show more content…

The final reason the United States became the world power it is today from the Great War is by changes in war strategy and technology. During World War 1, there were so many new technology pieces including the airplane, cannons, and gas masks. Even though the United States wasn’t in the war for the entire time, they gained from all of this new technology. The United States could use that technology in future affairs with countries, and they know how to build them because they build submarines and other equipments for the Allies before they joined the war. Some more new technologies are tanks, U-boats, better rifles, and poison gas which is why people in the war needed gas masks, because poison gas could cause death or bad injuries. One important new strategy created in World War 1 is trenches. Trenches are a hole in the ground to hide out in which is what they did in World War 1. Going back to the Growth in the Military, the United States has a lower military now then back during the Great War which is surprising by how the world is now, you would think the U.S. would have 2 as much military than back