How Important Is Anzac Day Special To Australians?

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Why is Anzac Day special to Australians? It is a significant event for our people and the people of New Zealand. It marks the anniversary when our troops landed on the shores of Gallipoli, we lost over 8,000 good men and women that day. “ANZAC” was the name given to us, it stands for the combined forces of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps’. For the past 100 years, Anzac Day has been honoured by the Australian and New Zealand people, alike, for the huge sacrifice they made by risking their lives for our country. This is proven through the many documentaries, poems and news articles that are projected through out our country. Anzac is ours and it will always be ours. The Anzac Day tradition was started by our ancestors that arrived on the shores of Gallipoli on the 25th of April, 1915. Gallipoli had such a profound affect on our people, the efforts our troops made in battle left a powerful legacy, now known …show more content…

It is suspected that the Chinese Government is creating their own way of commemorating war practices, based of our Anzac Day traditions. It is stated that China traditionally doesn’t honour any war efforts, and that since 2014 they have started to construct a new national holiday to celebrate war veterans who died for their country. This is controversial as the current Chinese President is overseeing military modernisation, and preparing their forces for World War III. They are following our Anzac Day traditions and basing their own ceremony off our commemoration practices, but they don’t understand the real meaning of Anzac. If they did then they wouldn’t be preparing their troops to start World War Three. Other countries might celebrate something like Anzac Day, but it has no significance to their country like it does to our people. It was because of the sacrifice our troops made in the battle of Gallipoli that started the Anzac

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