How Is Arthur Miller Treated During The Red Scare

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Red witches You are not free. Throughout the history of America there have been many people that spread lies and hate. People that take stuff way too seriously. They just allow false information and hate to continue. They let people in power walk all over them, who don’t give the right message. Arthur Miller both experienced and wrote about this exact thing. Arthur miller’s experiences in his life affected his writing of The Crucible such as his marriage, how he was treated during the “red scare”, and his personality. Millers’ life poured into this story a bit with some of the characters and the way the characters acted and talked. Miller was born October 17, 1915, in New York, New York. Miller had to deal with the great depression and the …show more content…

Miller didn’t cheat on his wife like Proctor did in the play, but it did seem like he felt some regret with getting into a relationship with Marilyn Monroe. It was a very rocky and relationship for Miller. A lot like Proctors relationship with Abigail. Both were considered young vibrant women. Monroe a sex symbol for the 1950s and 60s whereas Abigail in the story was a young girl, unmarried and kind of the lower level of their society. Both young women but on different …show more content…

From the freedom snatching ways of McCarthyism and the “Red Scare” to his troubled marriage and lust for Monroe, everywhere there seemed to be parallels with the play and his life. Millers’ life poured into this story a bit with some of the characters and the way the characters acted and talked and that is how Arthur Miller, and the writing of the play gave us some insight into his life and some of the crazy and heart-breaking stuff Miller had to deal with at that time. McCarthyism led miller to write about this and it gave us a story so deep and thoughtful story for all to read and gave himself a great way to express himself, and that is how Arthur miller’s experiences in his life affected his writing of The Crucible such as his marriage, how he was treated during the “red scare”, and his