How Is Biomechanics Be Applied To Bowling

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When performing a physical activity, it’s not just a single principle of movement that is being exercised, but rather a combination of multiple different ones working in tandem. Studying how these principles can be applied to a movement, and how they interact with each other, is the basis for the scientific field known as biomechanics. There are seven main principles of biomechanics: stability, maximum effort, maximum velocity, linear motion 1, linear motion 2, angular motion, and angular momentum. However, when talking about bowling, not all of these principles are relevant. The predominant principles of biomechanics that can be applied to bowling are stability, linear motion 1, and angular motion. Keeping these principles in mind helps to break down a movement and analyze different parts of it through a scientific lens. …show more content…

Stability is crucial to a bowler’s success. If a bowler is off balance when throwing the ball, it causes problems with the execution of the throw. When bowling, the front leg it the one that is supporting most of the weight during a throw. The back leg, however, is used to keep the person balanced and ensure that they don’t fall over or mess up their throw. It can also be noted that bowler’s are not standing straight up when they take their throws. To achieve a greater stability, bowler’s end up in a slight squat while throwing. The purpose of the squat is to achieve a lower center of gravity and ultimately provide a higher level of stability for the

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