
How Is Coach Boone Portrayed In Remember The Titans

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1992 a movie was produced, Remember the Titans. This emotional film took place in 1971 when there was a big dispute between blacks and whites. Remember the titans is a special film about a major event involving all Americans. Coach Boone is faced with a task to get his mixed race football team to get along and learn respect for one another. Can he accomplish this goal without losing valuable team mates. Coach Yoast the former head coach of the Titans team got replaced by Coach Boone who had an idea to have a team with mixed race. All African Americans in the Community cheered him and this decision on. Coach new that even though he didn’t want to steal Coach Yoast’s team, he new it would be best for all the players. “You’re hall of fame in my book coach.” -Coach Boone. When Coach Boone says that, it shows true respect …show more content…

Right when all the boys got on the busses he realized they had already separated by race. He called everyone off the bus and had them sit with someone of the opposite race; but it didn’t stop there, they also had to room with someone of the opposite race. Gerry and Julius are rooming together and are the first men to get get in a fight over a poster being hung up on the wall. This ended up causing a bug riot but when they got back to school everyone in the school was separated from race except for the football players. Since no one in the school except for the players were getting along; one night at Coach Boone’s house a brick got thrown through the window and started a even bigger riot and protests. Through all of these events Coach Boone’s family has always by his side and supporting his decisions especially when his best football player, Gerry gets in a horrible car accident and is left paralyzed in the hospital which leaves him questioning if his team can still win the

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