How Is Dante's Inferno A Christian Mythology?

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This is primarily a Christian poem. The idea of hell is a Christian idea. All the early myths of paganism have the afterlife as being just a place of waiting or being assumed into a larger entity. The idea of a the afterlife being either reward or punishment did not come until Christianity. So the beginning concepts are Christian.There are elements of mythology in the Inferno, but they have been tailored to suit Dante's Christian viewpoint. Geryon is the most obvious example of this. In mythology, he is a man with three bodies. In the Inferno, he is a “filthy effigy of fraud” with a man's head, a serpent's body and a scorpion's tail. In mythology, he would symbolize brute force rather than fraud. Plutus is another adaptation; he in Roman mythology is the god of …show more content…

Minos is never shown in a favorable light in mythology and it says in the afterlife he would judge souls. Dante uses this to determine how far a sinner goes in hell by using a parody of Confession. Also, in mythology he never had a tail.The Virgilian aspect of the poem lies mostly in how Dante models his writing and some of his encounters and ideas. In the Inferno, Virgil tells Dante that hell is patterned after the Ethics by Aristotle. Aristotle was made accessible to Christianity by Thomas Aquinas. We see several times that Dante reacts more strongly to some punishments than others. Such as when Paolo and Francesca tell him that they committed adultery as the result of a love poem. Dante used to write love poems, so he is telling a confession of what he had done. Again Virgil's influence only exists as a character and the fact that they are travelling through the underworld.My reasons for this decision are mostly based upon the fact that most of the characters and themes are bent towards Greek poets and characters from Greek plays. To begin, besides Dante, Virgil is the main character in the Inferno, and he is there from beginning to