
How Is Friendship Shown In The Movie Safety Last

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Martin Scorsese’s 2011 children’s film “Hugo” explores the relevant and important theme of friendship. One of the concepts he touches on is the true importance of friendship and how much it mutually impacts everyone affected by it. The film “Safety Last” by Harold Lloyd made in 1923 is mentioned when Hugo takes Isabelle to the cinema so she can experience something new. This act of kindness truly shows how friendship brings colour to life. Yet another idea embedded in the film is how friendship restores and brings peace to people’s lives, the way the Station Inspector was now delighted that his leg could function better, leading the audience to assume Hugo had fixed the mechanism allowing him to walk. Viewers follow Hugo’s journey of establishing …show more content…

Scorsese proves how friendship meaningfully influences people and brightens life through “Hugo”. The character Hugo chooses to initiate friendships with Isabelle in order to save his notebook, and, consequently through this friendship is able to achieve his ambition of fixing the automaton. Isabelle then benefits from the friendship when Hugo takes her to a cinema, “I’ve never seen a movie before!”. Through a close up conveying Isabelle’s wondrous emotions and responses to the film “Safety Last”, Scorsese conveys that through their close friendship, Isabelle was able to experience new adventures. Thus, representing the positive benefits people can get from friendships and how important they truly are to improve life. Scorsese clearly communicates to the audience the importance of friendship and how it helps us accomplish our goals. Hugo even helped his enemy, the Station Inspector, to achieve his goal of being able to walk properly in order to perform well at his job. This friendship allowed both characters to grow as people, to be more accepting of each other and therefore improving their own quality of life by letting go of past anger. Through friendship the characters could grow and develop, discovering new aspects of life and transforming original viewpoints. This can only validate Scorsese’s original point: friendships mutually benefit those within them and help people to grow and

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