How Is Hagar Presented In The Great Gatsby

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Hagar (Currie) Shipley’s stubbornness had left her with regrets. Thus, being an elderly woman meant having the experiences, the regret of making certain decision, and the feeling of loneliness. She met two children who were around the age of six, and they were a boy and a girl playing house at the beach. Furthermore, upon observing the girl’s attitude, Hagar was reminded about herself and how she pushed her father (Jason Currie), Brampton Shipley, and John Shipley away. Her stubborn and prideful behavior pushed away her father when she wanted to marry Brampton, her embarrassment of Bram’s actions made her leave, and her disagreement of John marrying Arlene caused her to lose John. Which all these experiences have left Hagar to grow wary that the girl’s attitude would annoy the boy if she kept acting so demanding in the game. …show more content…

She had never showed her sadness to others or admit her regrets due to her pride. Meanwhile, Hagar wanted to warn the girl, but when she spoke to the children, her suspicious offer left the children frighten as a result they left the beach quickly. Thus, Hagar was once again alone, like how she was left alone in the world. Perhaps Hagar was just a lonely old lady who wanted to approach the children, because she wanted to talk to someone. The lonely Hagar saw a pair of children, and they reminded herself about the past. While watching the children playing, she noticed the girl’s overbearing behaviors would have irritated the boy, which was exactly how she pushed away people in her life. Consequently, she was left alone in this world, so she wanted to warn the girl and have a small chat with the children while relieving herself from her loneliness. Through her whole life, Hagar was only left with experience, regrets and