
How Is Harlem Related To A Raisin In The Sun

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The entire foundation of these poems and relating back to the book is that dreams can either suffer and die, or become awoken and flourish. These poems relate to raisin the book I think because the new house and all the money that mama got is sort of a dream come true for her. So she's having trouble finding a good path to take. Possibly relating back “the road not taken” poem. And relating back to the “Harlem” poem, by either letting her dream flourish or fester and die.

Raisin In the Sun, relating back to “Harlem” the poem is that dreams have two ways to go, and you choose. Letting a dream “fester and run” I think means to let it get aggravated and keep “bothering” you (in a good way) But then letting it get up and run away from you, to let it get away and pass almost as a phase. To let a dream sag as you carry a heavy load and let it become a burden, to let it get away from you and then just pass refers back to mama because she did let the money become a burden to her by not making up her mind for a while. Or letting it “explode”, to let it just come out of you and make your dream grow and become reality. …show more content…

It shows how such a big heart and person can have different paths to take and it can be hard to know which to take. Walter wanted to do the unexpected sort of, thus referring back to the poem and taking the “road less traveled by”. But even though buying the liquor store wasn't going to happen the road more traveled by was taken. Either way in the situation there were different paths take, and there was trouble finding the right one to take in the

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