
How Is Julius Caesar Honorable

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Kameron Anderson/7 English 10 Honors 28 February 2023 The Honor of Brutus Honor, glory, notability, and righteousness; these are all things people strive to have. But some only care for themselves or people close to them, not everyone as a whole. In The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare, the ruler of Rome at the time, Julius Caesar rose to power in 44 B.C. He was going to be crowned king of Rome; however, a group of conspirators led by Marcus Brutus killed Caesar and attempted to rule over Rome. Brutus decided to join the Conspirators because of his loyalty to his country and because of the importance of honor to his temperament. But Caesars’ loyal friend Marc Antony turned the Roman people against the Conspirators and ended …show more content…

Antony stayed loyal to Caesar which is why he attained revenge on the conspirators. Regardless of this idea, Brutus is the most honorable character in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar because even Antony himself said that Brutus was the most noble Roman and only joined the conspirators for the good of the people. After the battle against the conspirators, Antony and Octavius found Brutus’ body, Antony exclaimed that Brutus “was the noblest Roman of them all”; Antony also said that Brutus had honorable intentions,“thought and common good to all” (Shakespeare.V.v.68-72). Antony believes that Brutus was the only conspirator that had no envy towards Caesar. He just wanted what was best for Rome and its people. Even though Antony was loyal to Caesar, he only cared about getting revenge, not what was best for the people. However, Brutus did what he did for the public good. Brutus’ motives have never been greedy or filled with jealousy. He just acted on what he felt was best for the people even if he had to betray his friend in the process. Overall, some might express that Antony is the most honorable character because of his loyalty to Caesar; however, Brutus is the most honorable in the play because Antony himself said that Brutus was the most noble Roman and only joined the conspirators for the good of the

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