
How Is Julius Caesar Relevant Today

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Antonys Argument No one likes to be used or misled. Brutus seemed to be doing exactly that to his people, so, was he actually? Antony appeals to the people's emotions and uses them to his advantage bringing the truth to light. In William Shakespeare’s “The Tragedy of Julius Caesar”, we saw Caesar was seen as a noble, power-hungry, intelligent man who was betrayed by his fellow men whom he held so closely. Caesar was known to be an arrogant and egotistical person to the people that betrayed him. He had Antony, a loyal and trustworthy man, who was Caesar's best friend. Then we have Brutus who was a very noble and intelligent man, he was a man of the people and only fought for the greatness of Rome. Brutus was one of Rome´s generals that were …show more content…

The play Julius Caesar remains relevant today because it deals with timeless themes and issues that are still relevant in society today he helps us compare it to real-world problems and issues in society. Some of the issues the play shows are unchecked ambition, loyalty intaglelment, and also the result of political manipulation. We can learn that the play demonstrates how easily people can be swayed by persuasive intention and how power can be abused by those in authority. Another important lesson of the play is the role of loyalty in relationships. Julius Caesar portrays the consequences of friend's betrayal and allies, as well as the difficulties of staying true to one's values in the face of pressure. In summary, the relevance of Julius Caesar lies in its timeless themes and its ability to provoke important questions about power, loyalty, morality, and also character. By engaging with these themes, the play challenges us to think critically about our own society and the nature of political power, making it an important work on how our leaders are now characterized. Our character will determine the outcome of how we are seen, judged, and criticized. Will there still be an Antony in our society to stand up for the people and rival/or bring into light people like a deceiving

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