
How Is Lady Macbeth A Psychopath

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Pure Evil Meets Its Match Lady Macbeth is undoubtedly Shakespeare’s most evil, feminine character, and possibly more evil than Macbeth himself. Some would argue her thoughts are dark, but her actions prove otherwise. We see from the first act that Lady Macbeth’s demeanor is a façade. Inside she has atrocious demons eating at her. But the ability to put on such a show requires a true psychopath. This psychopath in particular is a master mind and has no remorse for her doings. The audience is introduced to the possible downfall of the tragic hero, Macbeth, when Lady Macbeth reveals their plan to murder the king. During Lady Macbeth’s soliloquy, she takes on another personality. The audience could dispute that she has gone insane. Until the reality is revealed, this character is her authentic self. She is the master mind behind the killing of Duncan. For instance in Act 2, Lines 64-69, Lady Macbeth takes control of planting the evidence, and she continues to direct her husband during the entire scene. …show more content…

During Lady Macbeth’s soliloquy, she seems to be worried about the murder. Worried that her husband is too weak to perform the action, she asks for assistance from a higher power. After Macbeth murders Duncan, he is in a state of panic. He is consumed with guilt and despair. Lady Macbeth is only concerned with being caught. In Act 2, Line 28, she says to her husband, “a foolish thought, to say a sorry sight.” She continues to taunt and snicker at him for feeling remorseful. Throughout this scene, Lady Macbeth still remains poised. After all, an actor never loses

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