How Is Language Used In 1984

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Enslaved by Language Written By: Riley Flynn Throughout 1984, language is a dominant theme used to control and manipulate a society. Thoughtcrime, defined as an occurrence or instance of controversial or socially unacceptable thoughts, provides a tangible example on how language is an integral tool used to oppress a population. Language limits thought, and thought is dependent on language; thoughts cannot be formed without the right words to express them. Therefore, Big Brother’s ambitions are attainable. Through the creation of thoughtcrime, doublethink and the diminishment of Oldspeak, Big Brother creates a climate of totalitarianism and uses language to control a population. A prominent example of language manipulation in 1984 is through the use of doublethink. …show more content…

It enables Party members to deceive themselves and others while at the same time remaining convinced that everything they say, even when it is contradictory, is the truth. This mind-control technique breaks down an individuals capacity for independent thought and in doing so, makes it possible for that individual to believe anything and everything the Party tells them. At the Hate Week rally, the Party switches its diplomatic allegiance. The nation that Oceania has been at war with suddenly becomes its ally, and its former ally becomes its new enemy. When the Party representative suddenly switches the nation he refers to as an enemy during his speech, the crowd accepts his words immediately. Without hesitation, instead of questioning the new diplomatic allegiance, the crowd feels

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