How Is Racism Shown In Huck Finn

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In the book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, there are many themes that demonstrate satire. One of the themes is racism. There are many examples of racism in this book that portray the use of satire. One example of racism is when Mark Twain makes fun of the feud between the Grangerfords and the Shepardsons. “When I got down out of the tree I crept along down the river bank a piece, and found the two bodies laying in the edge of the water, and tugged at them till I got them ashore; then I covered up their faces, and got away as quick as I could. I cried a little when I was covering up Buck’s face, for he was mighty good to me.” (Twain 119). This passage shows how Twain makes fun of the feud between the two families. Even though they didn’t have a clear argument on why they fought, they still did, due to past family rivalry they had. Even though it was long over, they still fought, which led to the deaths of their children. This can still be seen in America today. Racism still occurs. Many racists don’t know why there are judging people the way they are. They just rely on history to back their argument on why they treat a certain race of people a different way. This is similarly demonstrated in the book Of Mice and Men. “…You go on get outta my room. I ain’t wanted in the bunk house, and you ain’t wanted in my room.” “Why ain’t you wanted?” …show more content…

However, there are a few cases where some characters stand up for the black people, and in a sense, sympathize for them. Racism was a big issue back then, and comes up time to time today. Again, sometimes people don’t know why they are racist, they just follow what they have been taught or what they hear and don’t question it one bit. People need to reevaluate what they think, and see that black people, or any race for that matter, are no different than white people and deserve to be treated with respect