How Is Shakespeare Different From Today

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There are two things which need to be discussed, number one... how Shakespeare 's world is different from our world today, and number two how Shakespeare 's world is the same as ours. I will first start with the differences between the two. Shakespeare back in the 1400s was pretty well known at the time, he is more well known in this date in time. He is part of our history, the reason why we now today have wonderful Shakespeare plays, sonnets, and poems. Shakespeare in his time was very different from our time today. Back then royals would probably only shower 3-4 times a year, now we practically do it every day. Pour people on the other hand practically didn 't even shower once a year. To show how wealthy you were you would at more fabric to your clothing to make it look like you made/had enough money to eat. It was fashionable back then to look fat, now it is quite the opposite. Now talking about Shakespeare 's plays they are quite different than now-a-days. Back then acting was only done by men, because women didn 't have any rights, now we as women do. In Shakespeare 's plays they didn 't have a lot of scenery and would describe the setting in the way they talked, now we show it on movie screens, we see it done all the time. They didn 't have lighting or sound so they needed to project their voices, sometimes we do have to project our voices but most the time we have sound and lighting. In Shakespeare 's plays there weren 't any intermissions or bathroom breaks like we do now. The props were probably seen more than scenery would be, but I don 't think they had a lot of it. It takes us in this day months to …show more content…

Shakespeare can also be the same as our day. In our plays now, we have different genres, like tragedies or comedies or action and romance. That is exactly what Shakespeare 's time had. It was not a good performance if it didn 't have a fight scene with some way of dropping blood. We to also have men actors like the Shakespeare time, but we do