How Is The Sphinx To Create Tension In Oedipus Rex

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Sophocles revisits Oedipus's past experience with the Sphinx to create mystery and tension about Oedipus's future in several ways. First Oedipus says “But then I came, Oedipus, who knew nothing. Yet, I finished her [the Sphinx], using my wits rather than relying on birds” (lines 476 to 478). This quote causes the reader to feel several strong emotions. First, there is the feeling of mystery because the readers have not yet been informed of what exactly this great riddle that Oedipus solved was. In addition to this, tension is also created from this quote because Oedipus’s past puts pressure on him to save the city as he has done before. Oedipus also says that “when the Sphinx, that singing bitch, was [in Thebes], [Teiresias] said nothing to

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