How Is The Sugar Act Justified In The Declaration Of Independence

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On July 4, 1776 the founding fathers decided to separate from England. In a document called The Declaration of Independence, the colonists stated their reasons for why they were leaving England and making their own nation. The colonists were justified to break away from England for reasons like the Intolerable Acts, unfair taxes, and tyranny among others.

The French and Indian War left the British victorious. After the war the British were in a lot of debt; they needed a way to pay off the debt. Consequently the war took place in British America, the Parliament of England figured that the colonists should pay the price. The colonists were upset because of the taxes they called unfair. The Molasses Act was the first tax on sugar. The Molasses Act was placed on the colonies, however, the British government did not enforce this “law”. This made smuggling sugars prior to the Sugar Act pretty easy. The Sugar Act is similar to the Molasses Act, the only difference is the Sugar Act was strongly enforced. The Sugar Act made smuggling sugars perilous; many New England ports suffered. The Sugar Act was the first major tax imposed on the colonists. It impacted the colonists at a time of economic depression. It was because of the French and Indian War that the colonies were struggling economically. The Sugar Act, for the most part, affected merchants and …show more content…

This made the colonists provide barracks and houses for British soldiers who were stationed in America. This angered colonists because they believed the soldiers were there to make sure they didn 't act out. The Quartering Act also allowed a general search warrant for customs officials to enter a location and look for evidence of smuggling. This really agitated the colonists. The colonists frustration with the Quartering Act is justified. I wouldn’t be pleased if I was forced to house complete strangers in my home, or have complete strangers sift through my