How Is The Youth Criminal Justice Act Fair And Equitable

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Is the Youth Criminal Justice Act fair and equitable? A problem society has faced since the beginning of time has been justice and whether it is fair or not ? However, one piece of Canadian legislation called the Youth Criminal Act has made a huge impact on increasing the equity and fairness of the treatment of youth offenders around the country.In the essay I will duscuss the fairness based on the reasons of Rehabilatation,Uniqe systems and through community involvement.

A huge way in which the YCJA promotes equity is through its main focus on rehabilitation rather than just the punishment of the child. A study from Justice Canada found that the YCJA’s focus on rehabilitation has led to a significant drop in the rate of re-offenses among youth offenders proving that through rehabilitation, the youth are more likely not to re-offend, resulting in not returning back to the justice system (Justice Canada). To add onto that, the YCJA has created specialized courts for youth to better meet the unique needs of the …show more content…

The YCJA requires that the offenders participate in the development of their own rehabilitation plans, making sure that their needs, wants, and perspectives are taken into consideration as well. The YCJA also encourages the people in the community to get involved as well because they will likely know the situation better. This could include mediation with a victim of a crime. Community service and the safety piece as well as other forms of community engagement. Finally, through the compilation of victim impact statements and victim services programs, the YCJA makes sure that victims have a say in the justice process and that they receive the support they need to heal (Department of Justice Canada). Focusing on support, involvement, and engagement for victims, helps make the YCJA significantly more