How Is Ww2 Similar To The Salem Witch

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The stories will come to a point that they are the same but are in different time periods. There will be two topics that this essay introduces that will have similarities and differences, one is based on witchcraft and black magic, the other is based on post world war two hysteria. One background comes from a village in the late 1600’s when there were catastrophic things going on with people being blamed for using witchcraft, and being hanged without it being proven for their pagan beliefs. The next story comes from Wisconsin in the 1950’s when a Senate produced a lot of investigation and hearings to try and expose the infiltration of communism in the US government. The Stories will have a way of exposing the events that have happened and …show more content…

The entire time a young group of girls were victims of by church authorities the accusations of people in their village. This time reflects the rise of the Holy Roman Catholic Church when non believers were labeled as heretics.Anyone not believing in the church doctrines was labeled and sent to the Inquisition Court Once these accusations were made about the girls people they were hung without evidence of committing witchcraft or worshiping the devil. McCarthy was doing the same witch hunts with a lot of investigations and hearings and figuring out how to find the problem with having traitors and spies in our country's government. Post World War II there was hysteria that the United States would be infiltrated by Communists. McCarthy wanted to end the nonsense with having a problem on the inside, but McCarthy also did not have much evidence. Salem had power on the political side and those who were on the council tried using their positions to enforce fear into the pagan people of Salem. The fear they had put into the people made them turn against each other and started to destroy lives. McCarthy had the same with pushing the hearings to discredit the reputation of some of the people and to in act fear into