How My Algebra Class Affected My High School Career

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Algebra Final Essay By: Chloe Kowalczyk
When I transferred from honors, I was worried about joining a new class in the middle of the year. However, I was pleasantly surprised when I discovered I had friends in the class and the environment was chill. I was able to thrive in this class and it made up for my bad experience in honors. This class has positively impacted my high school career because it prepared me for AP physics, lowered my stress levels, and had a good environment.
This class positively impacted my high school career because I need a good foundation in algebra for AP physics. After this course, I feel confident about the content of the course and I have the basics that I will need to succeed in AP physics. This class also made me more confident in my math skills. I had previously struggled with polynomial functions, however, after coming to this class, it made much more sense and I finally understood it. The set up of the class with handout notes and time to work on classwork and homework was a welcome change from the teacher lecturing for 90 minutes straight. This also allows us to ask questions about the content while completing the classwork and homework. I was able to ask questions without feeling judged by the rest of the class …show more content…

Nine months ago I got a headache that I’ve had continuously since. Stress exacerbates the headache and if my stress levels get too bad I get horrible migraines. Being in honors math was very stressful and in turn, was making the headache worse. After switching to this class, math is no longer a stressor and my headache has been at a lower base level. Also, being able to have review days allowed me to not stress as much about the tests. With my busy schedule with swimming, dance, and flute, it was very helpful to have time to review in school so I could get an adequate amount of