How Nonprofits Have Been Affected By Social Enterprises

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Improve Marketing Tactics The research showed how nonprofits have been affected by social enterprises. One recommendation would be for nonprofits to find new ways to market their organizations. Funding is the major issue why non-profits cannot compete with social enterprises focusing on “social good.” Traditional nonprofits can survive in today’s world if funding is not an issue. Nonprofits need to think of innovative creations that can appeal to the new generation donors that are seeing a new ideal of “giving and getting back” contributions. There are so many nonprofits that do well, but lack of proper marketing provides these nonprofits with a disadvantage. This forces non-profits to use a majority of its funds on marketing to ensure sustainability instead of being able to truly focus on its core mission. Instead of trying to market well on their own, non-profit organizations can hire marketing specialists on a voluntary …show more content…

Trends come and go: one-day non-profits were the biggest philanthropy influencers, now it is social enterprises. Today there is growing support for businesses that focus on corporate social responsibility, so maybe it is time to view non-profits in a new light. There was a time when non-profits did not exist, and there was also a time when social enterprises did not exist. It is best to change according to the times and new innovations. Nonprofit organizations can still be relevant by simply becoming a for-profit or adapt the hybrid model. Nonprofits initially set out to do philanthropy for the public, and if this means changing the business model, so be it, as long as “social good” will still be addressed. Non-profit organizations can also communicate and collaborate with for-profits to ensure philanthropy is addressed regardless of whether it is through a non-profit, for-profit, or a combination of the

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