How Should Healthy Drinks Be Allowed In Schools

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I realize milk and fruit drinks are healthier for students and staff. We all may despise the taste, or lack of taste, but they are still healthier than regular drinks. Many other drinks are not allowed such as soda regular milk and juices for the simple reason, that they are sugary and unhealthy. There are too many children and adults with obesity issues for schools to not jump into action and help prevent these issues. Diet drinks are unhealthy because certain synthetic sugars destroy parts of the stomach. The United States also has major issues with diabetes. Therefore, schools should not support, nor encourage, any drinks besides healthy drinks. Milk and fruit drinks are healthier for students because they support students growing bones. Students need the extra nutrients provided by milk and fruit drinks so they can grow like a weed, tall and fast. They are also healthy for staff because they support their older bones. They provide more nutrients than any other drinks. That is why …show more content…

These drinks are sugary and unhealthy. Most people think that diet drinks like Pepsi and Coca Cola, but they really are not. Diet soda is a perfect example of what not to drink because one of the components dissolves part of the stomach similar to alcohol. That means diet drinks are deadly to the human race and should be expelled from schools at all costs! People, students, and staff have increasing problems with obesity. Since obesity is deadly schools are saving lives. These drinks are healthy so by giving students these drinks it will decrease those numbers drastically! Giving staff these drinks will help them live a longer and healthier life. That means parents and grandparents that work for the school system can be with family and teach them life lessons that help them become a better person. That also means that these students will be naturally healthier at