How Soccer Changed My Life Essay

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“I learned about life with a ball at my feet.” What do you first think about when you hear the word soccer? Do you think about the coolest goal ever made? Or maybe the best jukes you’ve ever seen? Well there’s more to soccer than scoring goals and juking people. To some people, there’s a meaning to every goal, kick, and pass. Soccer has a meaning. To some people, soccer is just a dumb and , boring sport that is completely useless. But to others it’s a lifestyle because, it revolves around their everyday life. There’s people passionate about this sport, and I’m one of them. I began playing soccer when I was eight, which isn’t a very long time, but throughout the six years I’ve been playing, soccer has changed my life. My weekends, as well as some of my weekdays, have been devoted to soccer. Soccer has taught me how to be humble, kind and how to make sure my emotions don’t overpower my …show more content…

Soccer had become my go to when I wasn’t feeling good. That’s when my passion for soccer had gotten way stronger. It was all I wanted to do, all I wanted to watch, all I thought about. School had gotten easier, as well as my social life. I found my best friends due to soccer. They mean the world to me now and I’m glad I met them. People have been playing soccer for decades. The first soccer game ever to be played was December 19th, 1863. So for years and years people have been playing this beautiful game. Soccer is known as the most popular sport. So whether or not you likfe soccer, it’s here to stay. There’s many ways to get involved with soccer. There’s a huge soccer organization called AYSO and it’s for anyone whether they’re experienced or not. It helps you learn the basics of soccer. There’s also clubs like Aztecs or South Valley Thunder for more experienced players. So whether you’re a beginner or an expert, there’s always an opportunity to become a better