How Successful Was The Cuban Economy In The 1960's

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The 1960’s brought many uncertainties to the Cuban people. The Cuban economy was unsettling, and the poverty level raised. Diplomatic relationship was on the rise between the United States and Cuba. 1This all changed when one man with many followers overthrow the government. This act of violence and communism caused the United States to break ties with the Cubans. The United States attempted to resort a relationship with Cuba, which lead to a disappointing time for the American government and the people of Cuba.2
In 1962 Cuban thousands of émigrés set for the beaches at the Bay of Pigs, Cuba, with the intent to overthrow the government. During the early years of the 1950s, Fidel Castro and his guerrilla force armed themselves against the Cuban military led by General Fulgencio Batista. Castro guerilla force occupied “a base camp deep within the Sierra Maestra Mountains”. 3 Castro intended to strike Batista’s army from a high vanish point, using the mountainous terrain for cover and concealment. While Castro was planning his attack, he was unaware that the current government during that era had full support from the United States. …show more content…

General Batista fled Cuba and Castro gained control of the country and the Cuban military. 4 Castro soon declared himself Prime Minister of Cuba. For many decades, the United States has had an active part in the Cuban culture, economic, and business. Many Americans established homes and business on the island of Cuba. Surprisingly, many of the sugar cane crops owed by Americans. 5 However, on January 1, 1959 the leader of the Cuban guerilla force, Fidel Castro changed the dynamics of the country. All American owed business went out of business and all Americans began to return to the United