How The Battle Of Vimy Ridge And Its Impact On Canadian History

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During World War I, Canada fought numerous battles, made tough decisions, and impacted the way many Canadians live today. Have you ever wondered which battle had the most defining moments for Canadian History? The battle of Vimy Ridge marks the day that Canada became an independent nation. The significance wasn’t necessarily the battle itself, but the effect that Canada would feel nationally after. The Germans controlled Vimy Ridge since 1914, and three french attacks on the Ridge were all unsuccessful. Canadians designed new skill tactics, which improved their chances of winning. Winning the battle of Vimy Ridge awarded Canada with world recognition, and pride. The battle of Vimy Ridge was truly one of the most defining moments in Canadian …show more content…

Located in northern France, the heavily-fortified seven-kilometre ridge held a commanding view over the Allied lines. The Canadians attacked over an open graveyard since previous French attacks had been unsuccessful with over 100,000 casualties. Canadians tested different tactics than the Regular British Army which resulted in Canada’s victory. Arthur Currie created a replica of the battle grounds, which he allowed his soldiers to train in. All soldiers knew the plan and were instructed to use a tactic called the Vimy Slide, which was when soldiers would move 100 yards every 3 minutes. With good tactics, Canada took Vimy Ridge within 4 days. The French and the British had previously attempted to capture the Ridge, but were both unsuccessful. By the end of the battle there were few German survivors, proving how successful the Canadians were. The battle of Vimy Ridge was also the first time that Canadians had planned an entire attack. 3,598 Canadian soldiers were killed in the early hours of Easter Sunday. Despite the heavy losses of Canadian soldiers, they were successful in capturing Vimy …show more content…

Winning Vimy Ridge helped Canada gain its independence, considering its allies France and Great Britain tried capturing Vimy Ridge with more men and were both unsuccessful. Canada created new tactics which lead to its victory. It showed the world that Canada no longer needed Britain’s support in order to win a battle, or support its citizens. A military battle, made up of Canadian soldiers, created the collective pride that was used towards shaping Canadian independence. The Vimy Ridge monument was created 19 years later. The monument showed that there was hard labour put into it. It made Canadians feel proud of their accomplishments. Walter Alward spent 14 years creating the sculpture, he spent days building the monument, proving its significance. The monument clearly represents the importance of the battle of Vimy