How The Common Core Concepts Of Fourth Grade Mathematics

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Literature Review It is known that multiplication and division are foundational skills that students need to know in order to be successful in mathematics. The problem is how the teacher should teach these concepts so that students are able to understand and recall the material. This problem becomes most apparent in fourth grade when the focus changes from addition and subtraction to multiplication and division. If a student is unable to recall basic multiplication number combinations (math facts), then they will struggle to master a majority of the fourth grade mathematics curriculum. Mastery of math facts is essential to the understanding of many math concepts. When a student does not show mastery of math facts, they are at a disadvantage …show more content…

“Unfortunately misinterpretations of the meaning of the word ‘fluency’ in the CCSS are commonplace and publishers continue to emphasize rote memorizations, encouraging the persistence of damaging classroom practices across the United States.” (Boaler, 2015) However, according to CCSSM, fluency is defined as “skill in carrying out procedures flexibly, accurately, efficiently, and appropriately” (Kling and Bay-Williams, 2014, 2015). Likewise, the National Research Council defines basic fact fluency as “the efficient, appropriate, and flexible application of single-digit and multidigit calculation skills is an essential aspect of mathematical proficiency” (Baroody, 2006). It is known that fluency is much more than a measurement of speed, fluency with multiplication facts involves flexibly and accurately using an appropriate strategy to find the answer …show more content…

Conventional wisdom describes the practical consequences on these issues and vastly contrasts with the number-sense view which is an entirely different view and has recently been supported by substantial research. The table below outlines the differences in viewpoints in the three areas mentioned above. Information in the table obtained from Baroody (2006). Conventional Wisdom Number-Sense View How Children Learn Basic Combinations: Mastery grows out of memorizing individual facts by rote through repeated practice Mastery that underlies computational fluency grows out of discovering the numerous patterns and relationships that interconnect the basic

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