How The Egyptian Suffered: Bible As In Literature?

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How the Egyptians Suffered: Bible as in Literature

The Egyptians showed up in many parts of the Bible, including The Plagues, The Passover, and The Parting of the Red Sea. The Egyptians were punished in multiple ways and multiple times for not worshipping God, or worshipping multiple Gods at a time. The Egyptians punishment was suffering, and that included the Ten Plagues, where the Nile River was turned into blood, the Passover where all the male babies were killed if there wasn't any protection on the house, and the Parting of the Red Sea where all the Egyptians were drowned. The Egyptians suffered from not following the first Commandment out of the Ten Commandments, which is where you cannot have any Gods before God.

The Ten Plagues, which is when God gives the land of Egypt ten different Plagues as a form of punishment because the Pharaoh was holding the Israelites as slaves. The Ten Plagues included turning all the water in the Nile River to blood, swarms of frogs, gnats, flies, and locusts, and daylong darkness. With the Nile River being full of blood, that caused all the fish to die, and there wasn’t any drinking water left. “Take your rod and stretch out your hand over the
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The Ten Plagues caused a lot of struggles for the Egyptians because they were basically left without any food or water, daylong darkness, swarms of many different bugs, and all the first born male babies were sacrificed. Since the Pharaoh did not want to listen to God, and keep all the Israelites enslaved. That made God feel very disrespected and he responded with the Ten Plagues to teach them a