
How The Film Stevie's Relationships With Significant Others And How They Affected His Life

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Sociology 423 Child Abuse Name:_________________________ Movie: Stevie Directions: Answer the following questions. Use specific examples from the movie and in text citations from the text to support your answers. You may use the format below to answer the questions. 1. Discuss Stevie’s relationships with significant others and how they affected his life. Be specific. Grandma Stevie’s views his grandmother as a mother. However, grandmother and his biological mother were constantly arguing among each other. Stevie was often forced into siding with the grandmother or his biological mother. According to Crosson-Tower domestic violence in families lead to neglect because they are occupy fighting one another …show more content…

That led Stevie to developed attachment disorder. As seen in the film Stevie had difficulty bonding with others and discerning cause from effect (Crosson-Tower, 2014). He does take responsibility of his action he instead blames his upbringing. For example there was proof of him violating the little girl but he never admitted to it. Brenda (sister) In the film it is implied that Stevie sexually harassed his sister Brenda. However, Brenda avoids this topic when asked by Steve. Brenda’s approach towards her experience is called conflict avoiding families by Crosson-Tower. Families do not discuss sexual and emotional problems. In the film Brenda experience is not discussed nor is the little girl’s experience by family members. Ironically Brenda and Stevie have created codependency. They blame their mother for neglecting them. Tanya (girlfriend) Taya loves Stevie unconditionally she is even contemplating marriage . She stayed by his side throughout the trial and never question if he raped the little girl. Stevie was comfortable with Tanya but he never expressed his feelings toward her. Tanya represents hope. Stevie wants to start a family with …show more content…

Towards the end of the documentary Stevie is playing with Dorinda as if he was child again. Hal and Dorinda were unable to stay with Stevie because the left the town. However, if they remained Stevie’s foster parents Stevie would not been a victim of sexual abuse. 2. What do you think should have happened to Stevie as a result of his crime? Why? Stevie should serve time for sexual abuse and seek treatment in jail. Treatment is not only beneficial for Stevie but the community. According to Crosson-Tower “...offenders involved in treatment have shown a decrease in deviant arousal, more internalized locus of control, fewer cognitive distortions and an improved ability to cope with potential relapse situations” (p.312) and less likely to reoffend. We must also remember that Stevie is the product of institutions failure to meet his needs when he was child. So it is our responsibility as a society to rehabilitate Stevie. 3. Should his history of abuse and neglect be considered in his sentencing? Why or why

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