How The Information View The Female Development During Adolescence

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Intro sent…As early as 9 years old adolescents experience the beginning of puberty. Puberty causes their brain and body to change. They begin to feel more self-awareness and often worry about their appearance. Each sex develops differently, but both develop a large number of new hormones. For the purpose of this essay, the information views the female development during adolescence. Females produce the estrogen hormone that affects the way their body develops. If a girl goes through puberty at an early age, they obtain a high risk towards obesity. When females hit puberty they experience changes in their body. For instance, their first period is a sign that there will be growth on breasts, hips, and hair. During this time females feel especially vulnerable because of the new amount of hormones in their system. In addition to the hormones, the media adolescents are exposed to, has a negative impact on the way adolescents view themselves. …show more content…

I was one of the first sixth graders in my school to experience the changes in my body. I remember feeling a variety of emotions. There was a point in which I began to feel really self-conscious. I had an imaginary audience that constantly judged my appearance. Since I experienced puberty at an early age I ran the risk of experiencing obesity. I lived in the center of Hollywood where billboards were the best way to market a product. I was exposed to multiple images that marketed a product with a small figured woman. According to Urie Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory, the billboards in my exosystem would have an impact on my thought process and affect my