How To Apply To Public Health Major Essay

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Why I am applying to Public Health major (832) Every African women has received the medical school speech, it usually consists of becoming a doctor and becoming successful. This is the dream and hope of all African parents. I, on the other hand, have always wanted to become a doctor, therefore, my parent’s dream and my dreams are aligned. I came to Rutgers to complete my science requirements and along the way I ended up taking a public health course. My first public health class was Introduction to Public Health and Planning Policy. The first question my professor directed to the class was “can you name anything that public health does not affect.” My professor gave the class the entire semester to figure out the answer, promising that whomever solve the …show more content…

This made my interest in public health grow exponentially. Before, I took the course, I only knew that public health was more or less an outreach program and its primary objective was to educate the people in local communities that have lesser or no form of educational background on the dos and don’ts of health. I have come to realize that public health is the backbone of the health field. Without John Snow, or Ignaz Semmelweis, we wouldn’t have known the cause/spread of cholera and the reason for high maternal mortality. I, want to help the community, by preventing the spread of diseases. Public health has shown me that it is possible to prevent before using curative methods. I would like to become a medical doctor, in the future. However, I do want to go to graduate school so I can receive a master’s degree in Public Health and then become a public health physician. A public health physician does not only interact with individuals but also the population. Public health has made me realize that there is more to becoming a medical doctor. The Bloustein school can help me achieve this dream because they are one of the best public health school in the country and

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