How To Be Bad Character Analysis

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Life is a crazy and unpredictable journey through which you can only make it out sane if you have some psychotic friends to go through it with. Fortunately for me, I have my two best friends Dani and Jaime to go on this ludicrous adventure alongside me. As in any group of teenage girls, we argue and clash with our unconformities, but we also have our moments of compassion, all together moments where there is nothing that matters more than each other. In the novel, How to Be Bad, the three vital characters in the story, Jesse, Mel and Vicks, have similar relationships, beliefs and controversies that my threesome has; Jaime and Jesse are blunt “Christian Pants,” Mel and Dani are perfect little God-sent angels, Vicks and I are independent lovers …show more content…

They are both peacekeepers that just want to keep the good vibes coming and make people happy. Mel is a classic middle child, not the leader type of the stereotypical firstborns, and not the cry baby whiner youngest either. She often doesn’t have her voice heard, and considers herself the “swing vote” for her family. Dani can be correspondingly observed as the quiet one of her family. While she is only one of two children, her younger sister could be characterized as the ruler of the house, as in, whatever she says goes, so Dani doesn’t get much of a say. The two girls are both very self conscious of their appearances for different reasons. Mel feels as though her sister is the pretty one of the two of them, so she must take a back seat and just be little Mel, she constantly tries to make sure her sister is the shining star and she is just in the background. Dani on the other hand just has your average teenage girl self conscious worries, like “Oh no! This makes me look fat!” or the time honoured, “Does my hair look okay?” They are both always too worried about what others think of them, when they are both beautiful in their own ways, (cheesy, I