How To Read As A Reader Essay

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Growing up my parents said that they would try and read me stories each night before I went to bed and a couple times a week during the week. They would read me sports and superhero comics. Spongebob was also involved, they tried to read me things that I was interested in. I feel that kids should be reading something each day to help with the developmental process. In the future if I decide that I want kids they will be reading each and every day. I don’t care what they read as long as it is appropriate for them; I won’t force them to read something they dislike. Based off people I have talked to and my own experiences reading is more enjoyable while reading something that you find interesting. My own experiences as a reader, I have never been big on reading. As a kid my parents would try and make me read twenty to thirty pages a day. I didn’t agree with nor did I like it so I would either skim it over or just flat out lie to them with no hesitation. Being older now reading isn’t on …show more content…

Annotating was also a big method that my former teachers would preach about doing. Some teachers told me that you should always read a passage or something that you have to comprehend at least twice. First skim over it and underline or highlight words and phrases that you didn’t understand. Then after that go back and re-read it word for word. Depending how interested I was or how important the reading was to my success was my decision of either skimming or reading for word for word. For example, I had a summer project last year going into my senior year and the project was just to annotate Sherlock Holmes and I read it word for word. Sherlock Holmes is something that I interested in. I feel that reading is going to be a big success with whatever you want to do in life; so yes in high school reading stuff and understanding it made my life a lot