How To Read Literature Like A Professor Chapter 1 Summary

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Analysis: Compare chapter 1:How to Read Literature Like a professor-“Every Trip is a Quest(Except When it’s Not) ” to part one of The fountainhead. At the beginning of chapter 1 of The Fountainhead, we meet are most important characters, Peter Keating and Howard Roark. Both of these characters want something different in life, they don’t want similar things. As Foster says in How to Read Literature Like a Professor, a quest consists of a place to go and a reason to go there. He also starts that with a quest comes challenges and danger. The book, The Fountainhead starts off with Roark, Who is the quester, Roark heads to New York to fulfill his dreams after being …show more content…

In chapter four of The Fountainhead, Wynand agrees to give Peter the Stoneridge building only if he is willing to allow Dominique and Wynand to take a one week vacation on a yacht for a cruise. Peter agrees and Dominique and wynand enjoy a cruise. While there on the ship they start naming high off of the ground places. As they talk they say, “when I look at the ocean, I feel the greatness of a man. I think of a man’s magnificent capacity that created this ship to conquer all that senseless space. When I look at mountain peaks, I think of tunnels and dynamite, when I look at planets, I think of airplanes (26-29).” As Foster explains in, How to Read Literature Like a Professor our character development can be influenced by where we are and our elevation levels as well. For example high elevation signifies purity and life. As Gail Wynand mentions that being in places like that ones hes at makes him realize that he couldn’t love women before but now he has fallen in love with Dominique with great power. He says that Dominique has given life to him. And as explained earlier, life is one of the significations. Gail Wynand feels that he has gotten feelings that are pure from this yacht that he has never felt before and it makes him feel