
How To Read The Novel The Road Essay

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I think “The Road” is an essential novel everyone must read. I think this because some day in the nearing future we will also experience an apocalypse of the same nature as in the novel. We are not told how the apocalypse began, but we can assume it was from a drought of sorts “Borrowed time and borrowed world and borrowed eyes with which to sorrow it.” At present the earth and its resources are depleating faster than we know it. “The world has enough for everyones need, but not enough for everyones greed.” This quote by Gandhi demonstrates perfectly that the amount of resources on earth can cater for everybodys needs, but not for everybodys wants. And as a result, there will always be greed in human nature; which is why the wealthy become more wealthy and the poor become more poor. Overwhelmed by this desperate and apparently hopeless situation, the boy's mother, committed suicide some time before the story begins. This makes me really admire the attitude that the father …show more content…

Early in the novel we are shown bands of cannibalistic tribes consuming other human beings for survival, dead plants, and survivors that care little for civilisation. I can’t imagine living in a world where despair is represented with a capital D. “By day the banished sun circles the earth like a grieving mother with a lamp.” This quote demonstrates that even the Sun looks as though it has given up on earth, and yet the father continues persevere. I can’t help but admire the amount of hope shown by the father to want to stay alive. The Father and son carry a revolver with two bullets, one for each of them for suicide if necessary, which they do not use. To me, I feel that the Father and son have the last two core ethics left in humanity, the boy has faith, and the Father maintains a certain level of pretence, showing they are “carrying the

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