Study My Trash Essay

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If someone in the future were to study my trash, I believe that they would make an array of conclusions about my life. Most of my trash consists of sticky notes reminding me what I need to do, things I should look into, places I want to visit, etc. By studying my sticky notes, anthropologists would likely come to the conclusion that a majority of my time is spent doing schoolwork and studying. In addition to my sticky notes, they may also find old work schedules that would show that I spend most of my time at work when I am not working on things for school. From my trash, they may also come to the conclusion that I am a vegetarian, as evident by the vegetarian baked beans, vegetarian soup, and frozen vegetarian burritos I eat. I also drink almond milk, which might led them to believe that I am a vegan, which I am not. Overall, anthropologists would learn a lot about the time I spend at work, the pressure I put on myself to get school work done, and the kinds of food I eat. …show more content…

They want to find clues about the everyday individuals. Since historical documents tend to rely legal, financial, and religious information about the present and past, anthropologists must search for clues about the human way of life in other places. By studying people 's trash, anthropologists can learn about what they ate, or did not eat. They can uncover a population 's clothing style. Anthropologists may also discover some of the tools used by a group of people, by finding broken ones that have been thrown out. By studying people 's trash, anthropologist hope to learn about their way of life. They want to know what they ate, how they did things, what was important to them, etc. Anthropologists want to learn about the origin and development of human culture, by studying the trash of