How To Write A Letter To Walmart

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Dear less than perfect daisy in the Garden Center, I stumbled upon you in Walmart today by accident. I typically do not find myself in the Garden Center very often. In a rush to leave the store, I simply decided to exit the store through your home. I found myself captivated by the beauty around me. It is Spring time again; new life is in bloom once more. The garden center is an array of beauty, with so many different plants, it is a rainbow of color and beauty confided into one room. I watched men and women alike pick out beautiful brightly colored plants and then I noticed you. On a clearance shelf in the back; lonely and forgotten, your petals drooping, your colors fading, an outcast in a sea of beauty around me. How easily everyone over-looked you because you did not appear as beautiful as everything around you. I watched people notice the more brightly colored flowers, but those same people never seemed to acknowledge you existed, after all you were just a drooping flower in the background. Just merely a ghost of what you once were. I watched you sit on the shelf in a dark corner while everyone else seemed to be basking in sunlight. Put on the shelf, tucked away in the corner, alone; no wonder you were unable to shine like everyone else. Who …show more content…

Society may never see us as the beautiful ones, but that is okay. I would rather spend my days being less than perfect, enjoying life’s natural beauty verses trying to change myself to fit into society. I have been taught since childhood to try to fall into what is considered ‘normal’. I have been taught to change myself on the outside to be accepted by other individuals, but changing myself on the outside never changed who I was on the inside. I cannot change the person I am, and neither can you. Society may have its problematic idea of outward beauty, but you and I, we are beautiful because we are who we