How To Write A Short Story Of A Hero's Journey By Balunn

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Once, in a small village neighbouring a great river, one that acted as a border guarding the mysteries of the other side, there was a particular birth. This birth was a baby boy, born to the chief of the village. Now at this time, there were only three noticeable changing seasons: The cold, wet season, the dry, hot season, and the season of growth. There were no specific time or place for this weather, as the seasons would all just come and go, locked in a ongoing battle. When this boy was born, the chief named him Balunn, meaning river. Now, this boy was soon associated with the symbol of the moon, his clan’s totem. From the moment he was born, he was always changing, always curious, eager to learn more about the world around him. But his father, the chief, was strict, allowing him only the slightest of chances for his inquisitive nature. One day, while Balunn’s father was away, he snuck out of the village in hopes of crossing the great river. As Balunn stepped foot in the river, he was stopped by a strange bird he had not seen before, a great bird of many colours. This bird warned him of the many dangers ahead, offering him two distinct choices. He could either turn back and live out the rest of his days peacefully in the safety of village, or he could venture onward and explore the dangers ahead. …show more content…

Though hesitant to allow Balunn to go, the bird accepted his decision. As the bird parted ways with Balunn, it gave him a gift, one of his feathers. This particular feather was unlike any of his other ones, it was filled with all the colours of the earth, from its tip to its end. When Balunn reached the other side, he marvelled at the land’s beauty. The lush green trees and grass were scattered all around, with many new fruits and animals