Hrm/531 Week 2 Individual Assignment

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I explained the purpose of the interview and explained that she was not the subject of the interview. Schemer explained that on Friday, December 11, 2015 at approximately 0610 hours, she was in the mail room along with PSS Perry when Hale came in and immediately made a statement about the more people he killed today, the better it would feel. There was no discussion or conversation prior to Hale’s violent statements, he literally walked in and announced he wanted to kill people that day. While Schemer understands current policy forbids clandestine recording of co-workers, she felt it necessary to record his statements due to their violent nature, therefore she hit the record button on her iPhone. Schemer went on to describe Hale’s continued …show more content…

Schemer contacted two trusted co-workers for their opinion as to how she should handle her concerns: Sgt. M. Lane and PSS N. Anderson. She sent the recording to Anderson around 10 am on Friday, 12/11/2105 and he texted her back telling her to report it. Around 5pm the same day, she sent the recording to Sgt. Lane via text and Sgt. Lane told her to report it as well. At 6:06 pm, Schemer sent Lt. Manns an email detailing her concern about Hale’s statements. When asked about the content of the text messages between her and Anderson and Lane, Schemer advised that she deleted the text from her phone. Director Smith pressed Schemer to explain why she had not reported the incident earlier in the day and she explained that Hale hangs around the police precinct and she did not want him to know she was reporting him. In conclusion, Schemer was advised again that the matter was being investigated as an internal affairs matter and she was forbidden to discuss the matter with anyone, even persons she already discussed the complaint with, to which she said she understood. Schemer was given the names of three people she could contact to discuss the IA with – Smith, Ziifle, and Vaughan – and those were the only three. Again, she was asked if she

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