It costs a lot of money to find, hire, train, and get a new employee up to speed; this is especially true when it comes to sales staff. You rely on your sales team as the lynchpin in your revenue strategy, and every time a person leaves—though you wish them well—you inevitably must watch your sales stall until you can bring in a person to fill the void. But when you build a sales team with reps who feel challenged and supported in their roles, you get to see your revenue rise while your business soars. Your goal is retention of your sales team, and sales enablement is the secret to how to improve your team while simultaneously encouraging reps to stay. Here are four sales enablement strategies that will excite your employees and improve your sales team retention. 1. Multi-Tiered, Ongoing Training …show more content…
You need a new employee to know what’s going on in your company quickly and to feel a part of the team so he or she can be the most efficient. Sales enablement’s strategy is to have ongoing training happening all the time. Use smaller, bite-sized sessions at regular intervals for your whole team. Not only will you find it’s much easier, and faster, to get a new employee up to speed, your current reps will continue to improve their skills. Employees who feel like they’re always advancing are more likely to stick around. 2. Coaching Combining ongoing training with coaching is the one-two punch that will really make your staff members feel like they are growing as professionals. Training exposes them to new techniques and allows them to try new tactics, while coaching will make them feel personally challenged—and supported. This combo of challenge and support should not be overlooked. Employees don’t always leave to get more money; they often call it quits when they no longer feel challenged or able to perform. Coaching will keep your staff engaged—and with you. 3. Provide the Best