Hrm 531 Week 9 Case Study

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Ms. Tomcala, Chief Executive Officer, announced that Ms. Pat McClelland is leaving the Health Plan after 20 years of service and that she has accepted a position with DHCS as Chief of the Systems of Care Division. Ms. Tomcala also reported on audit readiness and that WeiserMazars has been coaching the team on how to address the auditors who will be onsite the last two weeks of April. Ms. Tomcala brought to the committee’s attention that DHCS has officially requested CMS to approve the MCO tax proposal. Lastly, Ms. Tomcala continues to have discussions with County representatives Mr. Bruce Butler and Mr. Paul Lorenz regarding the Default PCP Assignments and they have reached to Ms. Dolores Alvarado, SCCHA Board member, to ask for her assistance. …show more content…

asked Ms. Tomcala to give a status report regarding his request to have some influence on appointments to the Board. Mr. Brownstein, Board Chair, suggested that a meeting be scheduled with the Board of Supervisors to suggest that at least one physician be appointed to the Board. Ms. Lew and Mr. Brownstein agreed to meet with Dr. Wenner to discuss the process moving forward. Mr. Brownstein also agreed to call Supervisor Wasserman’s office to set a meeting to inquire about Dr. Wenner’s reappointment. Ms. Tomcala also commented that Linda Williams has requested to be reappointed to the Board and that her position falls under District 3, Supervisor Cortese’s. Ms. Tomcala and Mr. Brownstein agreed to schedule a meet and greet meeting with Supervisor Cortese to discuss the upcoming appointments. Unified Managed Care meeting is scheduled for April 1 and this committee falls under the Brown Act and as per legal counsel, we should post a notice jointly with the County on these